Friday, January 7, 2011

British Invasion

We escaped the chilling cold of Paris to enter the (less) chilling cold of London. Plus side though, no more language barrier (other than the occasional run-in with Cockney speaking native). Due to the slightly better weather, we were able to spend more time in this land of royalty and tea and do quite a bit more of shopping as well! Tip for all of you who plan on going to London and plan on doing quite a bit of shopping: The week after Christmas is the BEST! They have sales ready to rival Black Friday. If you are willing to brave the crowds and fight for that gorgeous dress that you MUST HAVE NOW, then it is all well worth it. Stay until New Years. The fireworks displays, about 20 minutes, makes the ball dropping seem a little lackluster, and the city always puts on a New Year's Day Parade, and a parade is always great fun!

So here are a few shots of my time in London, my family and I also ventured outside of the city walls and traveled to Windsor, Stonehenge, and Bath. The English countryside is beautiful! No wonder the likes of Jane Austin and Oscar Wilde wrote the picturesque scenes into their beloved stories.

Our street

Hyde Park

Tower of London and the Tower Bridge


Tower Bridge

I thought that I would take over.

The building behind us houses the Crown Jewels

Westminster Abbey

As with any new city, seeing the sites is a must. With England's rich and lengthy history, the city has accumulated quite a bit of them.

Princess Diana Memorial at Harrod's

A misty morning in the English countryside

Windsor Castle



The Roman Baths

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Louboutins in Harrod's

Our attempt on Abbey Rd.

Peak-a-Boo at the Kensington Palace

Now all I'm missing is the tiara.

Europe: The land where culture, history, and pop culture intermingle seamlessly.

Ahh, I miss it all. It was a long flight back. While I was ready to be home in my own bed and seeing all that I left behind so many months ago, I could not help but feel that I had ingrained a part of myself in my new adopted home. Traveling between the different countries and cities of Europe seemed like a natural thing, adapting to the different cultures and people that make up the European states. I know that after my time in France and the other places that I had the blessing and extreme pleasure to travel to, I will return to my life in Europe. For me, it is not a matter of if but when, and I hope that when comes very very soon.

It is back to the real world for me everyone as school starts up again soon, but I hope that you enjoyed sneaking a peak at my life in Europe, and I wish Kate the very best of luck in her remaining months. As I know all too well, time is fleeting, and you will be boarding that all too real plane back home sooner than you think. 

Bisous pour tout!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Joyeux Noël à Paris!

Christmas and Paris. What better things to put together?

While the weather threatened to put a damper on the holiday festivities, my family and I took Paris by storm paying a visit to its endless list of attractions and sights. As the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here a little visual recap of my Christmas in Paris.

Christmas really adds a whimsical touch to such an already ethereal city.

From Napoleon's tomb to the Moulin Rouge, there are certain sites in the the city that can never be missed.

Shopping and Art. Two things the Paris most certainly does not lack.

After our jaunt in Paris, we were ready to say au revoir to cheeses and wines and say 'ello to fish and chips.


Returning to the Land of The Free

Oh my how four months flies by!
I bid farewell to Europe and all my new friends across the pond, and embark on the return journey back to the country I left so long ago. Fortunately, my time in Europe was extended just a tad. With the prospect of spending the holiday season in Paris and London, I prepared myself to soak in the waning rays of my European adventure.

As was my goal for this blog, to share everything and try to bring you along on my journey, I will dedicate the next two entries each for one of the great capitols of Europe. It will be a bittersweet recount as I sit here in my living room, cup of British tea in hand and French cheese platter waiting for me in the kitchen, reminiscing on everything that has passed, everything that I miss dearly, and everything that fuels my desire for a fast return.
