Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some of the people that make me smile

I'm just on a posting roll today! I thought that since I have not written in a while that I would leave you all with two new posts and the promise of writing more frequently. While I hope that everyone enjoys reading this blog and feels like they have joined me on my many excursions, I really use this as an escape from the rigid logic and severity of science. What (more like who) else has helped me through the stress of lab, organic chemistry, and cell biology (and what else pre-med may throw my way) is the wonderful and beautiful group of people that I have met during my time here. I'm going to take this time to introduce to all of you back home some of my new amis and some of the people that have left their lasting mark on me.

Les Filles:

Ines: My NV girl! From karaoke to the meaning of life, I can talk to this girl about anything and everything (especially when there is a cafe involved).
Xandria: Future roomie! Sass and pop culture buff rolled into one, her one-liners are just simply priceless.
Monica: We survived freshman year together, and now we are taking Europe by storm.

Kristin: This girl makes the longest of bus rides seem like a walk in the park!

Jenny: Never one to take life to seriously, she keeps me sane when the workload is ready to commit me.

Les Garçons:

Vain: Incredibly honest, he's willing to say what everyone is thinking, and I love it!

Gustavo: He's our little princess, and we really wouldn't have it any other way. If I ever wanted to window shop in Burberry I know that he'll always be right there with me!

Jeremy: One of the few boys that I can have heart to hearts with, Thursdays would be a drag without him.

Alberto: Always smiling and wiggling around, he always makes me feel loved on the toughest of days.

With only (GASP) 3 weeks left, I'm making the most of my time in Europe, and with these people by my side, I know that I'll be leaving Europe with a Bang!

Je t'aime!

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